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Kc  · 09/01/22

ATNET Crypto Trading Strategy Guides

Welcome to the crypto trading strategy long reads.

We don’t publish trading strategies often - they are too comprehensive to be spewed out often. We do update them though, and they age well.

On this page, you can find the same set of trading strategy articles ordered in two ways: Down below by the most recently updated, and here on the right side labeled by difficulty.

If you are looking for cryptocurrency trading strategies for beginners, choose from the list on the right.

Strategies by difficulty

on trading psychology
Crypto Indexes
on crypto trading tools
Beginner Strategy
on crypto trading 101
Strategic Tools
on pattern trading
Volume Trading
on crypto trading tools
Market Psychology
on trading psychology
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
on pattern trading
Trading Approach
on pattern trading
Bitcoin Scalping
on crypto trading tools


Security Concerns of DeFi & Crypto: Steps you can take to minimize your risks

Decentralisation is not a panacea. There are security risks in blockchain applications, old and new.

· uses shrimpy  bitfinex 

Moving Averages: List of best MAs by purpose (+ TradingView strategies)

Guide into moving averages - what to use which MA for manually and algo, plus links to interesting TradingView strategies that you can study.

· uses tradingview  bitfinex 

Wyckoff Avoidance Strategy in Cryptocurrency Trading

Wyckoff method of avoidance means to trade only the best stocks in the leading sectors. How to apply this motto when trading cryptocurrencies?

· uses bitfinex  independent reserve 

Script Spotlight: Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO)

The Detrended Price Oscillator strategy tool from TradingView is similar to a moving average, but easier to read.

· uses bitforex 

Script Spotlight: A/D Levels

In this series we are picking and reviewing TradingView scripts for technical analysis that recently popped up in the daily popular feed.

· uses bitforex 

Volume profile trading on TradingView - ScriptSpotlight

Quite a dive into volume trading with various (free) volume profile indicators on TradingView and Cryptowatch.

· uses bitfinex  tradingview  cryptowatch